So schön!
Viel gesehen, viel gelernt, gut gegessen und getrunken, und in einer wunderschönen Wohnung gelebt. Vielen Dank! (Deutschland)

Love this apartment, pretty, peaceful, comfortable. Love the olive oil, love the exercise! Thank you for having us (Australia)
What a wonderful experience! The apartment was absolutely perfect for us and we found the daily “hikes” through town to be better than daily jogging! Montepulciano is a gem that we already long to return to, and you were so helpful with our scheduling challenges… You and Montepulciano have set a new standard for all travel experiences. (U.S.A.)
Va bene! Thank you for an amazing time in your beautiful apartments! We love Montepulciano and all of the countryside around it. We will be back Capodanno! (U.S.A.)
Ancora una volta abbiamo potuto abitare in questo appartamento bellissimo: siamo stati felicissimi qui!... Ci piacerebbe ritornare un giorno - magari non è molto probabile, ma speriamo! (Finland)
What a lovely little place with access to such marvelous views, food and people! We’ve enjoyed our stay very much and are all very grateful for such a cosy place to put up our feet after a long day of climbing the hills. Bravo! (U.S.A.)
Three years ago my wife and I stayed in this very apartment. When we were finally able to return to Italy we kept saying we needed to stay some place just like this, but after many months of searching all over Italy for another town and another apartment just as good as this one, we finally discovered the obvious: Montepulciano and Borgo A are now our home in Italy… (U.S.A.)
…We wandered the streets of the town, went for walks in the countryside, saw Siena and Rome. We saw ruins, fountains and glorious buildings… Thank you for the amazing accommodation! The apartment is so charming and comfortable… (Canada)
Questo appartamento è stato per noi un sogno nel cassetto… realizzato! Grazie mille, ritorneremo! (Suomi-Finland)
We appreciated the peace, tranquillity and spirituality of Montepulciano. Our villa apartment was so comfortable and cheery! May peace be with all who enter here. (U.S.A.)
Thank you for our lovely week in Montepulciano. You made us very welcome! Apt. Borgo A was a great place to come back to each evening after a tiring day’s sightseeing… We’ll be back! (Australia)
… Thank you for making our stay so enjoyable. We truly envy you! Staying in such a beautiful place, and now entering the olive oil market with immediate recognition. Don’t give up with the wine: we wait to see Vino Nobile di Montepulciano with the Poggiolo label! (South Africa)
We had a lovely two weeks in Borgo A, and are now moving to Giardino 3 for another 5 weeks … Thank you for your accommodations! (U.S.A.)
We had a very pleasant week in your apartment, during the most important week in the year… Contrada Poggiolo is certainly the best place in town to celebrate and chat with the “poliziani”… We’ll recommend your apartments to our friends!
I wish I had a wonderful place to live, like yours, in my home town Bremen! (Deutschland)
Quel agréable séjour dans ce site merveilleux et cette si belle région! Tout ceci dans un appartement confortable, décoré avec goût et avec tout le confort nécessaire pour s’y sentir comme chez soi... (France)
I loved my stay in Montepulciano, and your apartment was perfect! (U.S.A.)
Another week in Montepulciano… and another week in this lovely apartment - all just perfect! Thank you so much for your kind hospitality. We were also especially happy to show our son around the area. We’ll be back! (U.S.A.)
What an amazing place, we’ve had such a wonderful holiday. Montepulciano is simply beautiful, and it is with heavy hearts that we must leave.
We’ll be back! (New Zealand)
We have had the most wonderful week here! Of all the places we have visited, Montepulciano was definitely the best choice, and our apartment was perfect! It had everything we needed and was a comfortable place to come home to. You have a beautiful city that makes visitors very welcome… (U.S.A.)
Thank you for the wonderful time! (Deutschland)
Mi piacciono i giorni in Montepulciano per imparare l’italiano. Grazie e a presto! (Ӧsterreich)
… We spent a wonderful time in Montepulciano and we really enjoyed apts. A and D. It was so pleasant to live in such comfortable, nice, cozy apartments which are keeping the spirit of Renaissance. Thank you sooooo much! (Russia)
It was lovely having your comfortable apartment as a base for touring this beautiful part of Italy. We appreciated all the recommandations, both personal and on  your excellent websites… (New Zealand/Sri Lanka)
…The apartment is relaxing, quiet and exceptionally comfortable, and Montepulciano provided a perfect base to explore this part of Tuscany… A truly memorable experience in a very friendly town. Thank you! (Tasmania, Australia)
Siamo tornati dopo 7 anni, e mi ero quasi dimenticata quanto queste casette siano accoglienti, anche con la pioggia! La sera, dopo i giri per la regione, sono felicissima di ritrovare l’atmosfera calorosa che avete creato con il vostro buon gusto e la vostra generosità. Ancora grazie, con tantissimo affetto! (Suisse)
...By the end of the week everyone in Montepulciano knew who we were and wished us a safe trip home: we felt like a part of the town. Wonderful! (U.S.A.)
What a lovely apartment. Everything we needed for a comfortable stay for 2 adults and 2 children. We enjoyed the local restaurants and shops, meandering through the steep laneways and roads – and your olive oil! The perfect town to stay: thank you! (Australia)

Grazie! I had such a wonderful week here in Montepulciano, and loved this very beautiful and cozy home. Ciao! (U.S.A.)

Mi è piaciuto molto il tempo passato in questo appartamento. E’ bellissimo e accogliente, e mi ho sentito a casa. Ringrazio per l’ospitalità e spero di poter ritornare l’anno prossimo! (Deutschland)
…Diese gemütliche geschmackvolle und praktische Ferienwohnung im Herzen der Stadt… besser geht’s nicht! Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt und danken herzlich! (Deutschland)

What a beautiful stay in Montepulciano - lovely apartment, wonderful hostesses, delicious food… We will return! (U.S.A.)

Thank you for everything, especially for your kindness and for being so welcoming  in this beautiful apartment… (Österreich)
…L’appartamento è bellissimo, accogliente e curato nei particolari… ci si sente proprio a casa! … Siamo stati veramente bene, anche se per poco, ma torneremo sicuramente per far conoscere questi posti incantevoli. (Italia)
Un bell’appartamento!... It  has been a great base to explore the city, and a comfortable and relaxing place to come home to. We will recommend it to friends and family, or maybe we will keep this secret to ourselves and come back soon instead!... (England)
We had the most wonderful weeks in this beautiful apartment – so pretty and extremely comfortable, and a great location in the centre of this lovely city!... (Australia)
…The attention to detail that went into making our stay so comfortable is testimony to the care and professionalism of Margherita & Elena… We have been touring Italy for 3 weeks and this has been by far our most pleasant stay…(U.S.A.)
…Apt. 5 was a welcome, comfortable refuge. The people of Montepulciano were always friendly and patient despite our fractured Italian... We concluded that Montepulciano set a high standard for interesting architecture, tuscan food and wine, and one could enjoy Tuscany fully without leaving the town! (U.S.A.)
Non è facile trovare le parole per descrivere la bellezza di questo soggiorno, la pace è totale e avvolgente, il paesaggio stupendo invita solo a pensieri dolci di ringraziamento per l’Autore di tutto ciò… (Italia)
… The apartment was wonderful, comfortable and situated in an area which was perfect for the places we wanted to visit… We hope to return – until we do, arrivederci! (U.S.A.)
Grazie al Poggiolo, caldo e silenzioso… che mi ha fatto finire il libro che non voleva terminare. Adesso è pronto per uscire: che la tua quiete soleggiata gli porti fortuna! (Italia)
La cordialità, i sorrisi, l’orizzonte, le emozioni, i borghi, la nostra gioia… ed è stata vacanza.
(Italia – San Marino)
Prendiamo a casa un ricordo di questo luogo molto piacevolo. Ci siamo sentiti ad agio dal primo giorno in questo appartamento carino, e la vista sul lago Trasimeno era ogni mattina una sorpresa bellissima! (Svizzera)
Wir waren anlässlich des Musikfestivals in Montepulciano.  Die beschauliche Ruhe des Appartamento nach den Darbietungen hat uns gutgetan. Dazu beigetragen hat die freundliche, stilvolle Einrichtung des Hauses. Wenn wir erneut in den historischen Ort zurückkommen, würden wir gerne hier wieder wohnen! (Deutschland)
…Here you feel like home and it is most certainly a place where you can stress off and prepare to take another turn of your life back home… (Danmark)
We loved our stay at this warm, charming apartment! And what made our stay here extra special was your incredible friendliness and kindness. You went “above and beyond” whenever we had any questions about the apartment or the town... (Canada)
Giorni di gioia rara...! Buon Anno, e grazie per il bellissimo Capodanno (Italia)
I’d seen a lot of places to rent, but nothing like this!... Montepulciano is my “Holy Grail”, and I will always return to this fantastic town. The apartment is so central to all the places I frequent, and I’ve made an army of friends that make this place perfect to stay for a week, or 2, or 6. Un appartamento così perfetto quasi non esiste, purtroppo! (Australia)
We are very happy about staying in this beautiful apartment, it’s arranged so nice and with great taste. We felt very well in this charming environment! (Deutschland)
...We are genuinely sorry to be leaving this lovely ancient, modern, cultural, pretty, sunny town, and are hoping to return soon. If everyone who follows us here enjoys Montepulciano as much as we have, the world will in a small way be a better place... (Australia)
We have enjoyed our two week stay in this apartment. It suited our needs perfectly and made our visit to the delightful town of Montepulciano even more enjoyable... (U.S.A.)
Un grazie affettuoso per la serenità che questa casa ci ha trasmesso, dopo la musica del nostro Tabarro! (Italia)
L’aria è frizzante ed il pensiero stimolante!
Un Capodanno piacevolissimo in un angolo delizioso di questo paese... (Italia)
Ci sono posti, persone, esperienze... che ci porteremo dietro tutta la vita. Voi siete l’anima di questo posto e avete toccato la mia anima! (Italia)